Photo: Erwin Arno
We are officially starting our Public Republic project in English! We are finally able to send our regards to our English-speaking friends in their native language:
Welcome to our journal!
Multimedia Art Journal Public Republic appeared on 10/21/2006 in Bulgarian ( Over this fairly short period of time, our project quickly grew and achieved tremendous popularity.
Public Republic is an open project, representing Citizen Journalism, where the readers are given the opportunity to actively participate in the creation of topics and discussions.
Like a live work of art, Public Republic is continuously created. Each author is able to contribute with his or her individual stroke, color and nuance to achieve live, colorful, vital and surprising communication.
Public Republic challenges you to share your opinion, express your point of view regarding interesting topics and events, step over geographic borders to communicate with people who are close to your inner world, and create new contacts and friendships.
We hope that you will participate in the Public Republic challenge by sending us your work at:
We accept fiction, non-fiction, poetry, interviews, news articles, opinions, photography. We also hope that you will share your comments on the materials you read in the journal. This is our magazine.
We look forward to hearing from you!
1. Registration through the Public Republic website
2. Observation of the international code of journalism. Submitted materials must not infringe any copyright and information portrayed as factual must be accurate, verifiable and may not be defamatory in nature.
3. Publication on Public Republic.
The Public Republic online magazine is proud to announce its nomination for the Bulgarian National Hristo G. Danov Award, to bereceived at an official ceremony at the Hristo G. Danov museum-home in Plovidv, Bulgaria, on May 29, 2009. We would like to accept it as a significant recognition and an inspiration to continue working with love and enthusiasm, along with our numerous readers and collaborators, in the years ahead.
The Hristo G. Danov National Award is awarded for contribution in the area of literature and national culture. It’s given annually on the occasion of one of the most important Bulgarian holidays, May 24, the Day of Bulgarian education and culture and Slavic letters.
Established in 1999 by the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture, the National Center for the Book and Plovidv City Assembly, the award is a token Mof recognition for those with a significant contribution to the development and enrichment of contemporary Bulgarian culture.