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Tag "child"


3 July, 2009 от · No comments

Kristin Dimitrova Photo: lepiaf.qeo Stefcho from Slatina District believes in Batman. He also believes in Baba Yaga, Santa Claus, the fairies, the Martians, Dracula, the seven dwarfs and Snow White.

Elada Pignyo and the Time

22 October, 2008 от · No comments

Kerana Angelova Photo: mysza831 Introduction She was laden with years like an old quince tree. Though the fruit had already been picked, the tree in its mind continued to carry its load and lacked the strength to straighten its branches. It’s time, old woman Pignyo said to herself. Once, in the evening, something had cheeped […]

Hide and Seek

3 October, 2008 от · 4 comments

Matthew Vetter Photo: littledan77 It is easy to find you, because you want to be found. You hide in the same place every time:

Hunger Pains

16 September, 2008 от · 1 comment

Matt Urmy Photo: Shereen M Yesterday morning I ate cold grits images of my son lying in a hospital bed leg covered in bandages and burns