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Tag "dream"


28 April, 2009 от · No comments

Jerry Ratch Photo: iowa_spirit_walker The line of the unemployed wrapped back on itself like an accordion pleat and extended all the way across a great hall and you could see the faces of them, bluish and drawn under the dim florescent lighting First in line were laid-off bees weeping with their wings hanging down dragging […]

The Night Came

3 February, 2009 от · No comments

Ralph Pluim Photo: tanakawho The sun seems to bring light trees are leaving mist a home and there is an echo from machines

Two Dreams

11 January, 2009 от · No comments

Jill Kelly Koren Photo: allygirl520 I killed a man, though I did not see it happen; I knew I had done it because a) I was trying to destroy the evidence: little scraps of yellow paper with damning information and b) the desperation I felt was immense; I knew it was wrong to obstruct Justice, […]

Poems are Always Moving Through More than One Dimension of Consciousness

19 December, 2008 от · 8 comments

Interview with Marilyn Kallet by Matt Urmy Marilyn Kallet was born in Montgomery, Alabama, and grew up in New York. She is the author of 14 books, including Circe, After Hours, poetry from BkMk Press, and Last Love Poems of Paul Eluard, translations from Black Widow Press. In 2009, Black Widow will publish Packing Light: […]

Bat Dreams

16 October, 2008 от · 1 comment

Jill Koren Photo: longhorndave It flies up out of the tub drain it is definitely a bat but she has a human face