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Tag "vendor"

The Hour of the Tramp (Act II)

9 March, 2009 от · No comments

Ekaterina Vitkova Photo: Pink Sherbet Photography Sequel ACT II Scene 1 The view is from the inside of the receptionist desk. The Second Receptionist and the Ice-cream Vendor are standing there. He is surrounded by paper, but it is considerably less compared to that in Act one. Second Receptionist: I think I liked you better […]

The Hour of the Tramp

7 January, 2009 от · No comments

Ekaterina Vitkova Photo: srqpix THE HOUR OF THE TRAMP Cast: Ice-cream Vendor First Receptionist Second Receptionist Tramp Citizen ACT I Scene 1 Upfront can be seen a sidewalk, a bench and an ice-cream vending machine next to which a man is standing, The Ice-Cream Vendor.