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Tag "Yordan Tachev"

Artist of the Week — Kelly Caruso

12 March, 2012 от · 12 comments

An Interview with Artist and Furnitre Designer Kelly Caruso by Yordan Tachev What role does the artist have in society? As a designer, I feel that my role in society is to contribute creative solutions to problems in everyday life. How has your practice changed over time? My practice has changed with my gain of […]

Artist of the Week – Yordan Tachev

5 October, 2011 от · 2 comments

Interview by Jasmina Tacheva with Yordan Tachev


Yordan Tachev: “Art is not just a way to escape reality; it’s a way to transform it and enjoy living in it instead of avoiding it.”

Did you decide to become an artist, or did art choose you?

Some people have a gift, but don’t nurture it, and as the saying goes – you use it or you lose it. Of course you have a choice – you can either develop your talent or you can give it up, but once you decide to become an artist, your entire life changes and you become different from everybody else. For many it’s not a proper job, but just a waste of time. Actually it is an occupation just as real as engineering for instance – you have to practice it if you want to advance in it.
