Theo Edmonds Photo: Bob.Fornal I love you. I love you too baby… I’ve loved you since that very first hour I met you That hour of angels Those inspirational, popular angels.
Archive September 2008
Warhola … for Andy
September 18, 2008 by · 2 comments
Today I Burned Your Letters
September 17, 2008 by · 9 comments
Katherine Van Hook Gulley Photo: young_einstein Today I burned your letters, I lit the fireplace with a box of matches I picked up at an old country store, The letters smelled of musk perfume and all encompassing fragrances of time.
September 17, 2008 by · 2 comments
David Snell Photo: b.e.n. Long shadows dapple the end of Badham Lane. “Why did you bring me here?” The girl whispers. “Good place to talk . . . get to know each other.” “Oh.” Silence creeps into the parked Chevy. “Danny, are we still going to the movie?”
My Mother Reports from Heaven
September 16, 2008 by · 5 comments
Russ Kesler Photo: h.koppdelaney Dear all, just wanted you to know I’ve arrived. I don’t remember much about the journey except that it was pleasant. A woman I traveled with said she hoped to find her husband. I haven’t seen her since, but all the folks I’ve met have been real nice. It’s quiet here—no […]
Hunger Pains
September 16, 2008 by · 1 comment
Matt Urmy Photo: Shereen M Yesterday morning I ate cold grits images of my son lying in a hospital bed leg covered in bandages and burns
Bird and Balloon
September 15, 2008 by · 4 comments
Lauren Shows Photo: denis collette The sound of the hit, when it happens, is suspended in the air longer than the man himself. For a moment he’s up there, one gray nylon wing extended, the other curling around the side. His furry antennae, like his arms, are reaching up, feeling around in the air. He […]
Grandpa Dream
September 15, 2008 by · 4 comments
Jill Koren Photo: Artiii I dream that I Am helping you Up the concrete Steps, cracked and patched And cracking, of My parents’ house.
The Opposite of Falling Down
September 14, 2008 by · 7 comments
Photo: toniblay My first memory is of falling down. One minute, I was running across my grandmother’s driveway, staring down at my new shoes. With their red uppers, sunshine yellow tongue, and bright blue laces, they were perfection in primary colors. That moment, I was the wind and my feet were a rainbow. The next […]
September 14, 2008 by · 7 comments
Katerina Stoykova-Klemer Photo: *PaysImaginaire* Why did this big Black bird With a red beak Have her feathery chest Pressed on the glass Of the fourth floor As though She were showing off a medal?
Natalie Asks a Few Questions
September 14, 2008 by · 22 comments
Hello! In this first “survey”, I would like to present you with several thought-provoking questions that I hope will help to make our virtual acquaintance.
A Few Hints for Registering and Submitting to Public Republic
September 14, 2008 by · 833 comments
Dear friends, as you know, Public Republic is a project open to everyone who wants to share his or her creative work and opinions. The best way to use the site is to register. It’s quite easy. The registration is a standard process (with minimum requirements). All you need to do is to click on […]
Welcome to Public Republic!
September 14, 2008 by · 1 comment
Dear friends, We are now “officially” starting our Public Republic project in English! Encouraged by the exciting success of the journal in Bulgaria ( and by the enthusiasm of our US-editor Katerina Stoykova-Klemer, we prepared the site in a similarly broad manner as the Bulgarian edition. We believe, we will soon have many contributions, a […]