Katia Delavequia
According to the Chinese horoscope, 2009 is ruled by the ox and will be a prosperous year; but getting through it will require hard work, as the ox is a beast of labor.
Photo: steev_o
Aries: This year will be quite positive for strategic planning and the fulfillment of objectives. Aries people will be more perceptive and mature, with a greater ability to keep focus on their ambitions than usual. It’s time to make changes in your job. Trust yourself and go ahead.
Photo: mozzercork
Taurus: This year will be very productive if you act with perseverance and pragmatism. It’s time to be a standout in professional activities. Devote yourself to what you do and you’ll reap recognition and rewards. Don’t waste this opportunity–the time is now.
Photo: dogfrog
Gemini: Patience and perseverance will be indispensable, because this year it will be a little hard to keep focus on your main objectives. Don’t dissipate your energy, because you will need concentration and calm. Take a deep breath before making important decisions.
Photo: matze_ott
Cancer: 2009 will be favorable for making necessary changes in your personal life that have been put off. Courage will be essential to these changes, but Cancers can also expect a lucrative professional life in the coming year.
Photo: kaibara87
Leo: This year will be very special. Your performance level in all your activities will be high, expanding your opportunities. This will be a great year for professional growth and fulfillment of objectives. Don’t waste time, and work hard!
Photo: wwarby
Virgo: This year may be tough for Virgo. Unexpected turns of events will alter the direction of your life, creating insecurity and apprehension. The ability to be flexible and adapt to new circumstances and possibilities will be very important. But don’t lose heart–you’ll get through.
Photo: tnflorence2012
Libra: This will be an important year because your social connections and contacts will expand. Your natural abilities for mediation and diplomacy will bring ease of access to new perspectives and opportunities. Give attention to your social circle–get more involved.
Photo: viewfrom52
Scorpio: In 2009 Scorpios will reap seeds planted in 2006, when this sign encountered many opportunities for success. Enthusiasm must give way, however, to realism–even though the year will be quite positive for realizing plans and fulfilling wishes.
Photo: robertpaulyoung
Sagittarius: Probably this will be the most fortunate sign in 2009. The development of your personal faculties will be extraordinary: wisdom will grow and new opportunities will easily appear. You’ll know how to mix caution and risk-taking, and will be able to invest your interests with appropriate effort and insight.
Photo: pareeerica
Capricorn: Usually people born under this sign tend to act objectively regarding to their interests; they have good timing regarding the expansion of their professional performance. This year the other areas of your personal life will follow suit, bringing a year quite fertile for the fulfillment of your projects and goals.
Photo: facemepls
Aquarius: You will considerably expand your personal contacts, which will enable you perform beyond your current limits. Flexibility and cooperation will be very important in a year in which the directions of your life will be directly connected to your environment. Pay attention to how you interact with people close to you–this will be very important.
Photo: denn
Pisces: This year will be agitated, and you will tend to become excessively excited and to exaggerate commonplace occurrences. The ability to keep focus–while remaining open to real possibilities–will be essential to keep you from swimming in circles. As the year begins, do a detailed plan of your objectives. This will decrease the chances of scattering your energies.
Photo: elsie
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