Roger Craik Photo: Jaci Berkopec On the day that all the world had died, Standing on my front door step With coffee in the dark blue mug I’d bought In Hartford, at some wordy conference, I idly pressed my bell
Archive June 2009
Alone on Thanksgiving Morning
June 10, 2009 by · 3 comments
June 10, 2009 by · 1 comment
Donal Mahoney Photo: giuvax In my hand, I squeeze this trinity of walnuts tighter till louder than the tot who’s rapped her elbow off the radiator, I can hear clearer than the sirens I’ve heard all these years real fear as walnuts whimper
Review of Jeanie Thompson’s “The Seasons Bear Us”
June 9, 2009 by · No comments
Drew Logan This is a new book of poetry by Jeanie Thompson, a painter of lush images with words from Alabama. She is the managing director of the Alabama Writers Forum and I was thinking about moving to Alabama until I found out she also teaches at Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky. I live in […]
On the Discovery of Aspirin
June 8, 2009 by · 4 comments
Rosemary Royston Photo: jenny downing Could it have been a three-day headache — the kind with the relentless throb and slam of the sledgehammer, the sick roll of the eyes, the ache in the base of the neck, that drove someone into the woods shrieking in two parts pain, one part delirium just mad enough […]
Artist of the Week – Ari Hariadi: I Really Enjoy And Love Everything About Visual Art
June 7, 2009 by · No comments
Mariana Velichkova’s interview with the digital artist Ari Hariadi When and how did you discover photography for yourself? Ever since I was a kid I love to draw. About 17 years ago, while studying computer management at the university, I found some software programs for graphic design and learned them on my own. During that […]
There’s nothing the matter with me, everything’s nice…
June 6, 2009 by · No comments
Bozhana Apostolova Photo: Westsun There’s nothing the matter with me, everything’s nice… I hear my voice from the depth of a precipice. And my soul, oh, God, like a small lump of ice In the drink of the darkness melts down… And vanishes. Translated from Bulgarian by Valentin Krustev and Donna Martell
Rana Madanat and Growing with Books
June 4, 2009 by · No comments
Vanya Nikolaeva’s interview with the founder of the Growing with Books organization Rana Madanat Because I believe a person is what she strives for, I am happy to introduce Rana Madanat to you. A strong and charismatic person, whose look brings light. She delights me with her humanity as well as her sincere activities for […]
Multimedia Box: Angel Falls
June 3, 2009 by · No comments
Salto Angel (Venezuela) is the highest waterfall in the world, falling from Tepuy Auyantepui (a mesa in the Guayana highlands), a hight of almost 1000 m. (over 3000 ft.). Strong winds often turn the falling water into mist before it reaches the ground. Angel was discovered at the beginning of the XX century by Venezuelan […]
Sherry Chandler: I like to tell a story and work with voices
June 2, 2009 by · 2 comments
Katerina Stoykova-Klemer’s interview with poet Sherry Chandler Sherry Chandler is the author of two poetry books, Dance the Black-Eyed Girl (Finishing Line) and My Will and Testament Is on the Desk (FootHills Publishing). Her work has been nominated for the Kentucky Literary Award in poetry, and she has won several local prizes, including the Betty […]
Mrs. Baeva
June 2, 2009 by · No comments
Zdravka Evtimova Photo: lepiaf.geo I was carefully curling her thin hair that I had dyed from sickly blond to russet ginger more times than I could remember. I was using vintage silver rollers with the initials of the German company Kipheuer-Witsch, her scull under my fingers as brittle as paper, her shoulders almost intangible under […]
Artist of the Week — Stiliyan Stoichev
June 1, 2009 by · No comments
Stiliyan Stoichev, third-place winner of the Modern Times photography contest, organized by Public Republic in 2008, was born on September 1,1969, in Targovishte, Bulgaria. He has been working as a dental mechanic for a private laboratory for the past 10 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Technical University, Varna, in machine engineering. The same […]
June 1, 2009 by · No comments
Ekaterina Vitkova Photo: lepiaf.geo Cast: Dentist House Manager’s Wife Money Dealer’s Wife Money Dealer House Manager Young Man who breeds decorative fish Councilor The lights open on the interior of the Dentist’s small apartment, consisting of a bedroom, kitchenette, bathroom and a balcony. The only window (on the balcony side) overlooks one of the metropolitan […]