Interview by Violeta Petkova with Ricardson Williams
Ricardson Williams: “I feel free.”
Please tell us about yourself.
I love photography, any kind, but I mostly do Street photography now. China is a very good place for doing Street photography.
Photo: Ricardson Williams
Which is the secret to making a good photo?
Be there at the right moment, compose well.
Photo: Ricardson Williams
How can you describe your kind of art?
I’m trying to show the life and feelings of my subject, it’s all about getting the best of them.
Photo: Ricardson Williams
How decided to work with black and white colour combination?
I prefer B&W because the colors create a distraction for those who see the picture.
Photo: Ricardson Williams
What inspires you most?
I love the work of the photographer from Portugal, named Rui Palha, really a great source of inspiration.
Photo: Ricardson Williams
Also I greatly appreciate the work of the american photographer, named Jay Maisel.
Photo: Ricardson Williams
What are you trying to show us by making Street Photography? Is this the simple and daily life?
The life and the feelings of people in their daylife.
Photo: Ricardson Williams
What is the feeling you get when you’re catching the moment?
I feel free. I feel complete.
Photo: Ricardson Williams
What can we expect this year from Ricardson Williams?
More Street photography.
Photo: Ricardson Williams
I still have so much to learn and the only way is to be on the Street.
Photo: Ricardson Williams
Aaron Siskind’s quote is “Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” What will be your personal opinion about the essence of photography?
It’s all about “capturing the moment” and sharing it with the world, even the simple details seen through the lens.
Photo: Ricardson Williams
Is there an ideal place for an ideal photo? Is this an illusion or does it depend on some specific circumstances?
Having Street and People it’s a perfect place, it’s all about the “eye” composing and gesturing.
Photo: Ricardson Williams
Photo: Ricardson Williams
Photo: Ricardson Williams
Photo: Ricardson Williams
Photo: Ricardson Williams
Photo: Ricardson Williams
Photo: Ricardson Williams
Photo: Ricardson Williams
At the age of 34 , naturally from Maceio, but a São Paulo dweller,
Ricardson Williams discovered the passion for photography when
he moved to China seven years ago. The first shots were taken
four years ago, when the passion to record the moment,the detail
of the things, took shape in the eyes of this systems analyst, who
in his spare time takes a break from the computing machines, to
hold on his hands his camera.In his portfolio, the highlights goes to the street pictures which freeze the daily life of the Asian people and bring to the world the look of a Brazilian on Chinese lands.
Photo: Ricardson Williams
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