Maja Jankowska talks with the Members of SPIRITWO
Tell us a bit about the kind of music you play.
The music we play is an amalgamation of Alternative Pop/Rock, blending with other musical aesthetics, such as Electronic Cabaret, Heavy Metal, and sometimes Prog or Arabesque flavor…!!
Tell us a bit about your band and its line-up.
Well, myself – Yael Claire, is doing the vocals and coming with lyrics and songs and coming up with the artistic direction of the band, Charlie Cawood does all the guitars and also compositions, Matt Riley is drumming all those non-compromising, sophisticated, slamming beats and Rummy is the charismatic inventor on Bass 😉
…we are still in touch and love other members that used to play with us too, and we might take new people in the future as well, ‘couse the music is always on the move, and evolving…
How did you all meet and who came up with the idea to start a band?
SPIRITWO band started by myself, as my MUSICAL art project, I give theatric solo performances as well as singing with the band. I originally started with SPIRITWO in Tel Aviv, but the London band was established two years and a half ago… I have met guitarist Charlie Cawood at a music College in London, He was my first friend here – we were two Rockers studying sound with loads of dance dj’s, we started going out to gigs together…we had a few people changing instruments in this band and some members that did not stay – Rummy was working in a Cofee Shop in Camden Market when a former band member bumped into him and discovered he plays Bass and heard about my band, and it turns out we knew each other from back home – I was really glad to ‘discover him’ here in London, it was a very natural connection – ‘couse we use to play with the same people…
Matt was also found in a magical way: We had our former drummer, Bob Leith from the mighty ‘Cardiacs’ leaving the band, and we had to play a gig with no drummer!! – it was in Halloween, so i called the gig “SPRITWO & the Ghost Drummer” – using electronic beats instead live drums…;-)
Matt came to see us play and loved it! – He told us he was a drummer if we need one – he ‘fell from the sky’ like that – good looking, amazing drummer, haha! – we’ll have him, thanks!
Together we play new songs and old songs from the repertoire of SPIRITWO over the years – I usually let the boys decied on old songs, couse i am already tired of them! ha!….
We always come with a new style to everything that we choose to play – we dont really care about a specific genre, I think interesting music comes from all styles and you should never limit the compositions or arrangements – we all love to mix and match… we also love to use new electronic sounds – which give a great spice ! producing electronic music nowadays is so smart – a top notch art that need to be explored by bands.
About the gig that you have seen us play:
Well, we just started a new style of show – by playing everything in a much relaxed, downtempo, cabaret way espeially for The Richmix Art Center! – in Richmix you can’t make noise, so we came up with a set that would seem acoustic, but is actually theatric, and special, without using ‘distortion pedals’ or ‘heavy drums’… I sing on the song like a ‘jazz singer’ and dont do rock screams – but funny, we managed to keep that SPIRITWO ‘crazy’ funny’ ‘ghost’ theatre element in it 😉 …hope you enjoyed it like we did!
What does music mean to you?
Hmm… music is releasing sound into space – like a thaunder or the sea… it is a holy thing… so so strong and spiritual…. it is a chance for us to open the sky above our heads and to send a message into the universe… i mean it! – when i started i used it to connect what i have in my heart with others – it is like a dialogue – i wanted to touch people’s heart and made them think about what i said… but i remember in one of my first gigs in Tel Aviv i played to about 700 people… and they were all cheering me and listening to me… and I thought then ” wow… i got so much power in my hands… i better say something good… something important… something inspiring…” I try to do that. I try to talk to people. I truly believe Music is the ultimate power to connect.
What is your main source of inspiration?
Well, i am an artist… i was painting, and then i was making animation films – animating, designing, writing poems & stories and finally I started singing…So i always did art, no matter how…
i think everything that we go through in life is an inspiration… we reveal so many things as we go through in life as human beings…many ideas that we thought that we understood are turning to be exactly the opposite of what we expected or thought – and it makes you think…
I use to be a visual artist – but now i use words and sounds in order to talk about the same things that amaze me…or bother me…
The name ‘SPIRITWO’ was originally about the things that we hide – a second spirit, or nature that we dont show others – SPIRIT TWO… and i use this ‘ idea because there are often a lot of contradictions in what we think and what actually is happening in reality – and i want to talk about these things…to bring them to light – and to show that we are all made of one thing – and its compleate opposite – in the same time…
I think am an inspired by psychology, and social issues… humanity… yes, the twisted side of it! hahah!
Videos from Richmix show: ‘This Dance’
How do you feel performing on stage, and what is the message of your performance?
Performing is a show – it is got to be professional, entertaning and engaging. My Performance has a strong concept of ‘duality’ – making the audience experience myself transforming… a character that keeps changing…
i’m playing with meaning and using my body and voice as a mask … because i believe we are everything. Each one of us is everything: the beast, the beauty…
And it goes for the music too – we play all sort of genres – that mix of different musical influences also represent the freedom to be what you like – everything at once.
Your music performance is very vigorous, just like a theatre play. Are you as energetic in everyday life?
Well it is just a show – ofcourse… It is just a play in front of the audience – a journey into the uncontious! haha! When i have started i used to wear big wigs that would make look very extreme and unique, but in reality I am just a person… sometimes totally hyperactive…sometimes totally hiding…I balance myself and accept the fact that we feel and need different things at different times, i let myself the space and freedom to just be how i am… It is very important to me.
What are the projects you are currently working on? I am sure our readers will be fascinated with your music. Where can they buy your CD’s and where are you playing next?
We just finished an EP with 5 tracks , each track is a bit different from the other – one is heavy, one is funny, one is soulful, one is really dark, and the last one is… uplifting! – all in the same cd 🙂
You can hear it & get it here:
We made a special cover for it, using statues by the artist Claire Jackson, with our faces covered in an imaginary forest land… we invite all of you to dive with us into our special zone!!!
You can watch the preparations for this art cover on our homepage at our website:
or link
We are performing on the 11th of January at Mother Bar in Old Street with Punishmet of Luxury – a Punk Cabaret band that sounds like DEVO – their music is full of humor and they dress up and use electronic synths – a really great show, i cant wait myself to meet them 🙂
You can gt tickets through here
If you like to connect with us please stay in touch at:
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