Kathleen Driskell’s second book of poems Seed Across Snow (Red Hen Press, 2009) has been listed as a bestseller by the Poetry Foundation. Kathleen received her MFA in Creative Writing from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is Associate Editor of The Louisville Review and has taught creative writing and literature at Spalding University, the University of Louisville, Elon College, and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, as well as for many writers’ workshops and conferences.
Literary Term of the Week is brought to you by Katerina Stoykova-Klemer and the international arts journal Public Republic. This segment offers definitions of various literary terms, along with unique examples of their use, in brief audio excerpts from Accents radio show interviews with writers, publishers, and journalists.
For complete list of available terms visit:
Literary Term of the Week.
For complete list of available terms visit:
Literary Term of the Week.
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