Therése Halscheid
Photo: Kamen Ferdinandov
Yesterday my father greeted me
from another time ─
I was his sister,
and the day before that I was his wife,
tomorrow I might be his mother
or Aunt Mamie
and then, of course, there are moments
within those off-moments
when I am mistaken for someone
no longer alive, a person
he once knew
or perhaps I am only
a stranger in passing ─
and why I am telling you so,
is to share how
the longing to be myself
has come to mean being
which is to say of these days that
I am now starving myself
in the attic.
Fourteen, too frail of a girl ─
too hard to rise with the body
into these hours
where the world continues with
no thoughts of me,
where I continue to be anything but
a child of his.
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