The Guardians of Time by Manfred Kielnhofer are issued in the Documenta city Kassel.
You can see the mystical sculptures on different public places in the Docuementa city for 100 days.
Most of the images were made on Friedrichsplatz in the “Occupy Kassel” camp.
Time Guardians
“Time is money”‘s what they say,
Those lost in space of time.
Post space comes time, no other way,
Time pressure contra rhyme.
The bigger the better and not quick enough,
That’s what they wanna save.
But rich is who’s got peace and love
And not who’s stressed ’til grave.
To have is always good to be,
And earning sometimes more.
But who’s got what by whom? You see?
Nature was long before.
Use what is your gift given
By universe and try
To help shift paradigm
Just do and don’t be shy!
It’s tough to stay that extrovert,
When counter-waves arrive.
But try not see them as pervert,
Just unasked answer’s drive.
Don’t steal! Forgive and share the goal
Together with your friend.
Your enemies can live it on.
The lie will fall. The End.
sapere aude
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