By Petar Marchev
Translation from Bulgarian:Asya Draganova
Petar Marchev’s “War and Peace” won second place in Public-Republic’s competition for prose.
Kolyo is a road man. Kolyo is short – sighted. Kolyo loves kalvados*.
Kolyo goes hunting wild pigs. But kills a man.
The guy had a 6-year old son. When Kolyo walks past the house of the killed one, the kid throws stones at him over the fence. And screams after him: “Murderer!”
In his adolescence the boy starts to read adventure novels. And prepares for a revenge. He’s planning to set Kolyo’s house on fire. To pour some poison in his well. And other similar things…
In his youth he reads Hemingway. And is asking himself is it really possible to have a feast with no ending. When he’s drunk he curses Kolyo. He trains so that he can give him a jab and a right uppercut.
When he is 45 he reads the Evangelic. And is asking himself if he will have enough strength to kiss the hand that shot his father.
In the end the writes a letter.
“Uncle Kolyo, forgive me.
I have forgiven you.”
*kalvados – Bulgarian home made apple brandy
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