An interview with Desislava Slavova by Natalia Nikolaeva
Translation by Iva Kuncheva
Foto: Dessislava Slavova
“If you can dream it, you can do it”
Walt Disney
I like the moments when a person materializes a reality out of their dreams. I admire people who can put love, time, patience and faith into their dreams and thus create an alternate world. Desislava Slavova is an example of a person who followed her desire to take pictures of the world and imprint its diversity into fleeting moments – pictures that envisage what the soul seeks for. After we have a chance to find out the pieces of life in Desislava’s pictures, we can find out how the love for photography stirred and developed in the young photographer from the following interview.
How did you find out about your interest in photography?
Photography presented itself to me when I was about 15 years old. My father bought a camera and I started shooting just for fun. Unfortunately my brother lost the camera while he was on a trip with his school mates and I was left without the camera…I felt quite sad about it because my fantasy had just started working and I had a bunch of ideas for photos.
After that I and a friend of mine (also an amateur photographer) started having promenades and we taking pictures of the scenery with his camera, usually (because I still don’t have one on my own). With this friend of mine, we developed a more profound interest in photography. I learned how to use Photoshop and experiment…well, not professionally, but…I am trying.
What does your favourite occupation mean to you?
To me photography is a way to express things as you see them. To show your own point of view and sense of aesthetic.
Can you call photography an art?
Yes, I think it is an art, even if nowadays it is much easier to take pictures thanks to digital photography. Every art is an expression of the spirituality and creativity of people. It is an art to succeed in taking a good shot that influences an audience. In my opinion this is the most important thing.
When do you like to take pictures? Can we talk about a “muse” in photography?
I don’t have a preferable time for taking pictures, but I like taking them in natural light; at sunset you can always take a beautiful shot. The muse – either you have it or you don’t. The more you communicate with people, or just walk around, the bigger chance you get to develop your imagination and the ideas start coming into your head by themselves. It is important to be enthusiastic and to have a vision.
What kind of moments do you like to catch in people’s lives?
Until now I haven’t had the possibility to takes pictures of other people. I am my own model. But I would really like to do that. I love catching moments among nature from a different angle.
Fotos: Dessislava Slavova
Up to what extent does your major “Space Design” complement and develop your hobby?
It develops creative thinking, makes you look at things from more perspectives. Most likely next year a “Photography” module will be included in the programme, which makes me happy. I hope to learn many new things of technical nature.
What do you dream of personally and professionally?
I dream of so many things. I wish to be healthy, I am grateful for my family for supporting me and for my friends for inspiring me.
Do you want to stay engaged to photography in future?
Yes, I would like to, but first I have to buy my own camera. I consider photography an interesting and varied occupation. I like that. A picture can express something in totally different ways. What it is going to be in the end, and whether you will be content with it – it all depends on you.
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Fotos: Dessislava Slavova
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