Jasmina Tacheva Talks with Actress, Decorator and DJ Anjela Nedyalkova
Translated by Jasmina Tacheva
Konstantin Bojanov‘s film “Avé” in which Anjela plays the lead female role, will be presented by MoMA between Oct 3 and Oct 8, 2012
Hi, Anjela, what are you up to?
Right now, I’m trying to prepare as best as I can for the entry exams at the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts, and I also want to set things in motion for an idea I had while studying at the National High School of Applied Arts, connected with my specialty there – “Children’s Toys”. It’s quite large and complex, because it’s for an interactive game for a kids’ center (like “Patilantsi”).
You’re a decorator, an actress and a DJ – how do you manage to combine all these arts and is there anything else you enjoy doing?
In the past, I was committed to many things all at once. Now I’m trying to concentrate on fewer tasks, because they are more complex and require more attention.
But generally, when things happen, or rather, when we let them happen naturally, there’s usually no stress or pressure – rather, you derive pleasure from this and crave for more.
Photo: Konstantin Bojanov
When I’m active, I feel, so to speak, “immortal.” Lately I’m not and I tend to get depressed, but I’ll go through this.
You’re full of extraordinary stories; can you tell me about your most recent adventures? For example – did you hitchhike to the “Spirit of Burgas” festival?
Again, I’d like to point out that recently, I’ve been leading a more sedentary type of life, because I’m trying to lay down some important foundations for myself, but then I will gladly plunge back into another refreshing adventure.
As for Spirit of Burgas, my way of life influenced my way of getting to the festival – I went there with friends, in their car, but the experience was great! The Prodigy rulled!
You’ve traveled more than 4000 km to and across Turkey alone – which is the most interesting place you’ve visited so far, and where do you hope the road will take you?
I miss every place I’ve been to. I miss the atmosphere, the people, the experiences… Right now, I’d really like to go back to France and Lithuania, but we’ll get to that.
The trip is what gives me the most energy – the freedom it gives me is unparalleled.
I got the impression that, while Ovanes Torossian‘s character in “Avé” hits the road in order to face his problems, to attend the funeral of his friend, your character, Avé, while looking for ways to help her brother, does exactly the opposite – she is running away from the problems of reality just as she buries her head in the sand every time her parents call her.
How about real Anjela, what can make her hit the road? And overall – do you think there are similarities between you and your character in the film?
The more I’ve been asked this question, the more insecure I feel in my response, haha! Surely it has happened to me to use lies for the sake of my own self-preservation, but never for personal gain.
I believe that everyone tends to run away from reality sometimes -when they lose their cool – consciously and / or not.
What will you remember about “Avé”?
I’ll remember the fact that it gave me a chance to feel the magic of cinema and to realize that it’s what essentially pulls the strings of the rest of my interests. And also because I felt what it means to do something nice for someone – I feel so good when someone tells me how moved they were by the film and how Ovanes and I have contributed for this.
Your debut in cinema was in “Eastern Plays” by Kamen Kalev. He met you before the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts, and he chatted you up. Does this happen often to you – to be chatted up by strangers? Do you like meeting new people?
I am a magnet for all kinds of strangers, but mostly crazies and homeless people. It feels awesome, haha. Actually, that’s quite valuable, especially for my penchant for directing.
You’re planning on applying for a degree in “Cinema and Television Cinematography” at the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts in Sofia. Does this mean that we’ll be seeing you more behind the camera than in front of it?
That’s the thing – I’d like to see myself in as many places as possible; to try a bit of everything…
You’re full of art – so many and diverse talents spring from you… Are you still engaged in scenography and in contriving different things? If someone wants to buy an object made by you, how can they do it?
I still do it from time to time and in a specific direction. I develop sets for parties and festivals with electronic music. Because it’s a specific job however, people don’t often call me because there are not enough events of this kind in Bulgaria. I have a modest Facebook page though – if anyone is interested, it’s called Galactic Eagle.
From your extensive biography I can conclude that you’ve started working at a very young age, correct?
My mother was my first employer. I started working in her shop for dietetic and healthy foods when I was 9. My salary was fixed – 2 ice creams and other treats a day.
Then, at 13, I started working illegally at a pastry shop – my boss was a big exploiter, of course, so I didn’t last beyond the first month. I’ve had other jobs too but I wouldn’t forget to live my childhood!
You say that your mother didn’t object to your desire to study at the National High School of Applied Arts, as opposed to her mother who didn’t let her do that. Is there anything you do that your mom doesn’t like, but you do nevertheless?
Yes, there is – I’m up in the clouds sometimes. I am a dreamer and this is unlikely to change, and if it does, it would be a shame. But overall, my mother has always supported me and I believe she’ll continue to do so.
What do you think can form a free spirit like yours? Do you think your peers are rebels or drifters?
Imagination. I can’t say anything about my peers because I live in a very limited environment and I can’t draw such general conclusions.
Besides, I believe that we’re changing till the rest of our lives and everyone goes through different phases and conditions… Perhaps what we lack is consistency then? Or Persistence, or patience, or will…
Do you have a favorite place in Sofia where you like to spend your time?
The Art Hostel – I feel at home there. From time to time I like to treat myself to a delicious sundae at Confetti – the child in me falls into wild ecstasy.
The most memorable encounter in your life?
The encounter with my present boyfriend… true, for the longest time, I couldn’t remember how it actually happened, but the feeling it gave me is still there.
Where will your next trip take you?
Nobody knows – that’s the best part:)
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