Germany those days is like an art stage! I’ve already got you acquainted with last year’s Let’s Go Home. After its success the talented Charlotte Friling surprised us with another amazing project – Recast.
Now, full of energy as ever, she will amaze us yet again with the incredible second Art Barter which will be held in Berlin.
- The idea
Art Barter has been founded in 2009 by Alix Janta-Polczynski and Lauren Jones in London. After the successful launch of its first show last year Art Barter conquers Berlin with the assistance of Charlotte Friling who joined the team for the Berlin show. Alix Janta-Polczynski, Lauren Jones and Charlotte Friling are both organizers and curators of this happening. The event will be held in conjunction with the .HBC space on the Alexanderplatz, and will showcase the work of 25 Berlin based established and emerging artists.
The Art Barter event revolves around the idea that artwork will be acquired by individuals through alternative means to money. Artists have always been familiar with the use of barter, from Picasso exchanging sketches for his meals, to hotels accepting art as payment for rent. However, the Art Barter event is unique in its promotion of such a form of exchange in the current art market, and in the lasting working relationships that are being born out of it.
Some of the exchanges that were made last year were 3 months of sychotherapy; website design; 30 hours of French tuition and an all expense paid trip for two to a retreat in the South of France.
And a little more info about the event itself
The Art Barter in Berlin begins on June 24. It will continue to June 27th, 2010. The main idea is that individuals will acquire artwork by alternative to money means to do so.
Some of the artists include familiar from Let’s Go Home faces like Sophie Holstein, Yudi Noor, Alejandro Moncada, and also Jonathan Monk, Jason Dodge, Uwe Henneken, John Isaacs, Evgeni Dybsky, Wolfgang Ganter, Stefan Rinck, Haralampi Oroschakoff, Zhivago Duncan, Ilona Kalnoky, Charlotte Dualé, Stephan Balleux, Melissa Frost, Isabelle Graeff, John Kleckner, Sergio Roger, Yukiko Terada, Clémence Seilles, Ludwig Kreutzer, Jeremy Shaw…
The catch
Nobody knows which artwork belongs to which artist until after the show has finished. This creates a gamble for the public and will make people value the art for what it really is. What’s more, Art Barter allows art to become available to a more diverse crowd than just those with disposable income and it is a fun and interactive way to become involved. Having to barter also entices the viewer to think about what they have that is unique to offer the artist.
No matter whether it is a special talent or skill that you have, as long as it is something that may be desirable to others, or if you just wish to view a great exhibition and try your luck with bartering, Art Barter Berlin is a “must see”!
The way it works…
Each artists work is displayed in the exhibition with a unique number next to it. Viewers are invited to fill out barter forms with their offers on any work that they desire. These offers are then displayed for the duration of the show on a pin board, or if the viewer requires more privacy they can place their bids (barter forms) in secure boxes. At the end of the show the artists will receive all the offers made on their work and decide which (if any) they will exchange for.
June 24th – Launch night, 6pm ‐ late, with DJ Jet Letts and drinks served by Absolut Vodka from 6‐9pm
Thursday June 24th from 6pm – Performance by Gabriel Loebell Herberstein
Friday June 25th 7pm – Special screening of video works in the .HBC cinema (Including work by Cyprien Gaillard)
June 25th to 27th – Open to the public, Fri/Sat 11am–8pm, Sun 12‐9pm
For more information
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