J. Stephen Rhodes is the author of the poetry collection, The Time I Didn’t Know What to Do Next (Wind Publications). He writes about living on the edges between security and fear, guilt and grace, country and city, and prosperity and scarcity. In addition to a Ph.D. in Theological Studies from Emory University, Rhodes received his M. Div. from Columbia Theological Seminary and his B.A. from Eckerd College. He is currently working on an MFA in creative writing at the University of Southern Maine-Stonecoast.
Literary Term of the Week is brought to you by Katerina Stoykova-Klemer and the international arts journal Public Republic. This segment offers definitions of various literary terms, along with unique examples of their use, in brief audio excerpts from Accents radio show interviews with writers, publishers, and journalists.
For complete list of available terms visit:
Literary Term of the Week.
For complete list of available terms visit:
Literary Term of the Week.
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