Susan Piver is a writer, teacher, and speaker on topics such as love, creativity, and spirituality. She is the New York Times bestselling author of The Hard Questions: 100 Essential Questions to Ask Before You Say “I Do” and How Not to Be Afraid of Your Own Life, chosen as best spiritual book of 2007 by Books for a Better Life. Her new book, The Wisdom of a Broken Heart, is about applying the wisdom of Buddhism to the pain that arises when a relationship ends.
Literary Term of the Week is brought to you by Katerina Stoykova-Klemer and the international arts journal Public Republic. This segment offers definitions of various literary terms, along with unique examples of their use, in brief audio excerpts from Accents radio show interviews with writers, publishers, and journalists.
For complete list of available terms visit:
Literary Term of the Week.
For complete list of available terms visit:
Literary Term of the Week.
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