Photo: woodleywonderworks
On the 21st of October, 2008, we celebrate two years since the launch of the Bulgarian edition of Public Republic. Here is what a few of our readers and authors have to say about this significant milestone:
Greg Pape
Poet Laureate of Montana, Author of “American Flamingo”
Congratulations on your good work with Public Republic. We often hear that the world is getting smaller, but clearly, when we share our writing across borders, when we listen to each other word by word, sentence by sentence, our world gets larger and less generalized.
Keep up the good work!
Dave Harrity
Poet, Author of “Morning and What Has Come Since”
I would just like to say that I think Public Republic is an excellent magazine! It’s so nice to see literary types from all over the world connecting with one another! Best of luck to all the sites and all endeavors.
Jim Embry
Photographer and Sustainability Activist
Congratulations on your anniversary…keep up the good work
Robert Foshee
I would like to extend my thanks and congratulations to on its 2nd Anniversary.
The website provides a valuable venue for writers and photographers, which invites the world to grow stronger and closer through the creative exchange of ideas.
Barry George
Congratulations on the Second Anniversary of Public Republic! It has been so exciting to see the launching of the English edition over the past weeks. Its stunning variety of writing, essays, and visual art make Public Republic the swankiest and most innovative site on the Internet. I sense a community of artists coming together around it!
Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of it all.
Katherine Gulley
Poet and Writer
Congratulations on your second anniversary and the new edition of the English version of Public-Republic.
It is refreshing to read such diverse selections of literature of equally high quality. I wish you many more milestones in the future!
Barbara Sabol
Public-Republic provides such an important and fascinating interplay of media – visual and multigenre writing – not to mention the international intersection of cultures and languages. Congratulations on the two-year mark of Public-Republic’s inception, and its growth into English and now German. It is like a seed that is sprouting a multi-hued hybrid plant. Delicious. Thank you!
Brian Russell
Many congratulations on your upcoming two-year anniversary of the Bulgarian edition and for the exciting launch of your English language edition!
I am proud and pleased that you chose to publish an excerpt of my memoir-in-progress (“Meeting Dad”) and have enjoyed reading other works of prose and poetry at Public Republic. I look forward to contributing more material in the months and years to come.
Katerina Stoykova-Klemer
Poet and Writer
Happy Birthday, Public Republic!
To our magazine I wish many readers, many authors, many friends. New territories, new languages, growth and excitement.
To see these quotes in Bulgarian, please visit the Bulgarian edition of Public Republic
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