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Tag "people"

Weymouth … in images and words

23 April, 2010 от · No comments

By Asya Draganova A lot of people have told me they find the west coast of England the most picturesque, idyllic and inspirational part of the country… but is it so? I would like to take you to Weymouth: a small town situated on the English channel coast, in the county of Dorset. The town’s […]

Artist of the Week – Vessy Borisova

9 August, 2009 от · 1 comment

The faces speak … Who is Vessy Borisova? A photographer, a film producer, a diver, a mother and a very creative and positive person. Who loves life with all its challanges. What impresses you about the human face? The face is the silent story of a human life. A poem, written from the soul about […]

Today the River

19 December, 2008 от · No comments

Marilyn Kallet Photo: Choufi/// Today the Garonne flows greener than the poplars, more limber, sky is smoke pierced with light, gulls make dazzling punctuation marks like childhood on Jones Beach.

Live Your Life Doing What You Like

1 December, 2008 от · 4 comments

Interview with Alan Rosin by Vanya Nikolaeva Alan Rosin is a commercial producer and a licensed boxing official. Over the years he has worked with countless celebrities, sports figures, and heads of state. He has worked on feature films such as “Blade Runner”, worked for CBS News with Walter Cronkite, videotaped Golda Meir, produced McDonald’s […]