The faces speak …
Who is Vessy Borisova?
A photographer, a film producer, a diver, a mother and a very creative and positive person. Who loves life with all its challanges.
What impresses you about the human face?
The face is the silent story of a human life. A poem, written from the soul about love, joy, sorrow, dreams, difficulties, smiles…
Which is more interesting for you to photograph: people or nature? Which is closer to your soul?
When I photograph nature – my spirit gets energy. When I photograph people – my spirit exults.
Victor Hugo has said “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” What are smiles and laughter for you?
The best companion in a person’s life! They turn the hard times into easy ones. I love them!
Which thought do you repeat to yourself most often?
The first thought when I wake up in the morning is: “I am grateful for everything I have.”
The eyes are …
A road to out there, but with no useless curves or turns. 🙂
The most interesting and enriching meeting you have had so far?
It is hard to point to only one. Every day one meets people, carrying the wealth of their lives.
If we are wide awake and our hearts are big, we’ll have at least one meeting per day, which will leave a deep trace in our souls.
I had a wonderful meeting – and also the possibility to work with – Russell Boyd. He’s the cinematographer of Perfect Storm, Ghost Rider, and Gallipoli. He showed me that behind a big name in world cinema, a 65 year old man is standing with an enormously rich soul, a love for people, and one who enjoys the small things in life.
Another exciting meeting was the one with Carl Lewis, multiple Olympic Champion in track-and-field, who has not been ruined by fame and success. A person whose eyes emit the purity and joy of a child!
A person you admire?
If I have to give a name of a famous person, it would be Michelangelo. If not a famous one – I would choose my father. If it could be more than one – then I would choose all the little children.:))
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