Katia Delavequia Photo: Lukasz Dunikowski There’s no denying that fashion is part of our daily lives, from simple jeans to dazzling dresses. The Northern Hemisphere may be suffering through winter now, but it’s summer for the Southern Hemisphere–so people all over the world are watching multiple fashion trends. Here’s what’s happening in 2009–enjoy!
Archive January 2009
Fashion Trends 2009
January 21, 2009 by · 2 comments
“Accents” – a Radio Show for Literature, Art and Culture
January 21, 2009 by Dessislava Berndt · 6 comments
Photo: rickyrhodes Starting January 23, 2009, Katerina Stoykova-Klemer will host “Accents” – a new radio show for Literature, Art and Culture on WRFL, 88.1 FM, Lexington. The show will take place every Friday 2-3pm EST. Everyone can listen to the show online by visiting http://wrfl.fm/, then clicking on “Listen Now.” If you have ideas about […]
A Secret of Doubt
January 20, 2009 by · No comments
Suzanne Nielsen Photo: gabu-chan Upon the release from the workhouse Janeen Marie and Loren followed up on a gig that was promised to them before their incarceration. Within 17 hours they were working for pay as Macy’s elves, although neither held the name of Crumpet. When asked what names had been assigned to them they […]
The Nature of Nature
January 20, 2009 by · No comments
Иван Кулеков Ivan Kulekov За да не се разпадне светът, една птица зашива водата за земята. So that the world will not fall apart, one bird stitches the water to the earth. Ще се местя. Или от тук там, или от там тук. I will relocate. Either from here there, or from […]
Artist of the Week — Liliya Pobornikova
January 19, 2009 by · 1,150 comments
Vanya Nikolaeva We are surrounded by the elements every single day of our lives. But when do they start being something more than just gifts of nature? When and how do they commence being art? Liliya Pobornikova is one of the people (literally) holding the answers. She is one of those artists who is able […]
“Our Lives Are
January 18, 2009 by · No comments
Kenneth Pobo Photo: ktylerconk merely trees of possibilities” sang Marc Bolan, but what happens when the forest is clear cut and bulldozers sleep it off on rotting stumps?
January 16, 2009 by · 1 comment
Eunice Blavascunas Ph.D. Photo: anyjazz65 This limb The one with digits never used for counting Sees out its elbow Hears with small hairs That come into contact with your sleeve My skin is peopled
Flat Ironing for Fine Hair
January 16, 2009 by · No comments
Flat Ironing Tips for Fine Hair by Katherine Gulley Photo: arteunporro The thinner or finer your hair, the more you need volume. If you perm it for volume and style hold, you can use a flat iron to control frizz and shut down the cuticle. Always use a thermal protective spray before using any hot […]
Things Found In the Wreckage of Angel 1508
January 14, 2009 by · 1 comment
Jerry Ratch Photo: chefranden A canister of unused laughter taken from the mouth of a baby not yet born A splinter of wood from a cross, perfectly preserved in dark tea taken from the belly of a dead Irishman A milky vial of smog taken from the air of Los Angeles circa 1965 A lock […]
Striking Fires Of Our Own
January 14, 2009 by · 1 comment
Donal Mahoney Photo: mikebaird Although we’ll never again be body to body or mind to mind, you and the place and the years are alive every night in the letters I’ve stored in my room.
Women’s Clothes in the Twenty-First Century
January 14, 2009 by · 3 comments
Anca Vlasopolos Photo: Rudolfo Nunez I’ll confess: I shop for my husband. I buy him shoes, underwear, shirts, ties, slacks, jackets, belts, even overcoats. It’s easy. Shirts: 16×32; pants 36×32; jackets 42 regular; shoes 11 and a half B. I cannot shop for my daughter, who’s a willowy 5’9”, 115 pounds, with broad shoulders, a […]
Nanci, My First Wife, And Her Encounters with Salvador Dali
January 13, 2009 by · 2 comments
Alan Rosin Photo: daquellamanera Nanci was a force of nature. She had thick chestnut brown hair, green eyes and was nearly 5′ 10″ tall. She exuded confidence and style. When we were together, people’s attention was always focused on her, which was just fine with me. Her father designed and manufactured fine jewelry, and was […]
Artist of the Week — Johanna Fassbender
January 12, 2009 by · No comments
Vanya Nikolaeva Johanna Fassbender is an artist, singer and musician living in Berlin. She calls her drawings ‘blind’ because she never looks down at the page while drawing. Instead, her glance rests on the model whom she – so to speak – slowly captures. The aesthetic ideal is not the object being depicted, but rather […]
Each Life
January 11, 2009 by · 1 comment
Anca Vlasopolos Photo: chefranden on October 9, 5769, Atonement Day, the thrush stood in the middle of Lakeland the street that takes me where I face St. Clair to cast once more my bread upon the waters
Two Dreams
January 11, 2009 by · No comments
Jill Kelly Koren Photo: allygirl520 I killed a man, though I did not see it happen; I knew I had done it because a) I was trying to destroy the evidence: little scraps of yellow paper with damning information and b) the desperation I felt was immense; I knew it was wrong to obstruct Justice, […]
Circumstantial, Part II
January 10, 2009 by · 1 comment
Robert Foshee Photo: kirtaph Read Part I Ted took the jury notice out of his pocket and read the room number. He waited his turn and then nervously stepped through the metal detector. Radiation probed him head to toe. A cop asked him to remove his belt. When he got upstairs, he found the black […]
Kirby Gann’s Our Napoleon in Rags
January 8, 2009 by · No comments
Joan Gumbs Photo: alicepopkorn According to Ig Publisher, publishers of Our Napoleon in Rags, Kirby Gann’s novel is a “biting commentary on contemporary America.” Argumentative. Whose commentary is it? Certainly not Gann’s, who, in an interview with Bob Williams from The Compulsive Reader declared, “There’s no specific ‘message’ the novel is trying to put across […]
Fashion quotations II
January 7, 2009 by · No comments
Photo: karpov85 In difficult times fashion is always outrageous. Elsa Schiaparelli Fashion anticipates, and elegance is a state of mind … a mirror of the time in which we live, a translation of the future, and should never be static. Oleg Cassini I never cared for fashion much, amusing little seams and witty little pleats: […]
The Hour of the Tramp
January 7, 2009 by · No comments
Ekaterina Vitkova Photo: srqpix THE HOUR OF THE TRAMP Cast: Ice-cream Vendor First Receptionist Second Receptionist Tramp Citizen ACT I Scene 1 Upfront can be seen a sidewalk, a bench and an ice-cream vending machine next to which a man is standing, The Ice-Cream Vendor.
Service Please
January 6, 2009 by · No comments
Eunice Blavascunas Photo: darwinbell At the restaurant where I work People march on Great armies cordially deferring Cartoon nurses exposing thunder for legs Speeding off as fast as their granite bodies will take them Whose wounds had they bandaged Whose skin had they sponged Safe again We would have all eaten together