Jasmina Tacheva Talks with Actor, Musician and Poet Ivo Arakov
Ivo Arakov: “The most important destination of comfort is within us”
Hi, Ivo, where are we finding you; what are you doing right now?
Hello! You are catching me reading your nice letter and enjoying the smiling sun in Bulgaria. Otherwise, more generally, I’m shooting!
The movie “Sneakers” – your debut role in cinema – was shown by the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Berlin on July 23. How did your featuring in it happen?
This makes me really happy and I will be happy if our friends from Germany like it. As for the role, I was selected through casting.
What is your observation of the foreign audience up till now – does the film have the same effect on everyone as it had on Geraldine Chaplin? 🙂 [*Note: At the Awards of the 33rd Moscow Film Festival in 2011, the famous American actress appeared in a black dress and sneakers in honor of the Bulgarian film]
There are always disagreements, but ultimately time will tell and will reject those who “are not …” and preserve those who “are…”!
Everyone has their own vision and expectations in every respect – without exception. Geraldine’s opinion of the film is a great compliment and a reward. She herself admitted that she had fallen in love with the actors and in particular, with the young Inna Nikolova who, from “disliking” the camera, went to shooting her second movie already.
“Sneakers” is still enjoying a prominent audience and is traveling around the world. Hopefully, it will come back home soon and start telling us about all this… =)
Photo: Tomislav Rashkov
What did you personally like most about the film?
Its poetry, depth, cause, its friendship … An artistic, feature, energetic, happy, sad film… There is an amazing fact about it. When the movie came out, everyone experienced a great difficulty in defining its genre… For me there is no defining… there is no genre… that’s the way it goes in life… and this is a well shot scene from it and I think it will remain so for my children.
Did the actors in the movie participate in its realization by any chance? Did you give ideas? Were there any ad-hog improvisations?
There are no coincidences… Changes during the shooting were made, but no big ones… We were all involved in its creation, but the main culprit for this were Valeri Yordanov and his story. Improvisations were part of the jolly mood and the spirit it provoked.
In the film, there are young people from different backgrounds. Despite their differences, they come together and experience a real magic together. Do you think this is possible in reality? Is there a struggle between generations?
This story is inspired by reality and the events in it. This is possible, moreover, it is the natural way for the development of friendships between different people and for people in general. Differences are what make the individuality in a person!
In the sense of the last question – I’ve always imagined theater as an emblem of the sum of generations – a place where all ages are represented. According to your observations, what are the dynamics between the various generations over there?
Normal! =)
Would you define the ending of the movie as a “happy ending” and on the whole – do you think a happy ending in today’s Bulgarian reality is possible at all – in life or in film?
The end of a movie is not the end of life. Every end is a new beginning. A film should inspire people to think and make sense of life.
In general, what do you think the present situation in theater is like – does it reflect the conflicting and topical Bulgarian reality, or is it rather like an oasis of unity and faith in art?
I can’t talk about the situation… Theater is always up to date and adequate for every time … because it contains within itself a rich palette of characters, circumstances, situations and lots of vitamins! It’s not an island, a world or a country … The faith in art is a self-initiative of each breathing creature… It’s a reality as well as a fantasy … It’s a choice!
Did you make friends with the team of “Sneakers”? How about at the theater?
Yes, I am very happy that my profession allows me to meet so many interesting people who unhesitatingly leave a part of themselves in my heart.
It is my impression that today, we associate “escape”, “running away” mostly with immigration. But in the movie, the characters have discovered it at the other end of Bulgaria, on the beach. What is your personal place of such a nirvana away from all problems?
My “Nirvana” is poetry, not so much prose and novels. I don’t like running away, and I’m not in a hurry. I know what I want, that’s why, smoothly and with zeal, I pursue my dreams.
We think globally nowadays, while the plan to abandon our country is being followed immaculately. The most important destination of comfort is within us.
What can you say about the following thought: “The main tool in music is Emotion. The main tool in feelings is the Actor.”? 🙂 You’re committed to both. Do you find enough time for music and literature?
I have a weakness I will share with you – and that is music. It’s very painful to me that I didn’t continue with it, but tolerated another, unknown before, talent in me, namely acting.
I hope that with this choice I am just as useful and provocative, as I would have been, had I continued to make music. As for the quote, I’d say: “Man’s spirit is the most beautiful art!” How I filled up the void of not making music? – I learned to play the guitar! =)
In other words, for me you’re not just a well-rounded individual, but one with many diverse interests. What is your last finding (song / idea / book / conversation / story / website, etc.), that has won you over and inspired you?
“Individuals that are well-rounded and with many diverse interests” can win me over. I choose them by epochs and then we sit down together by the fireplace for a long midnight conversation over a cup of a favorite drink … I really want to found a “Club of the Dreamers – Creators!”
It won’t be soon, but at least I have time to get let the plan take form. I don’t know where to start from, so I won’t start … I will write down just one single name – Shakespeare! Anything that could have been written, has already been written!
Anything that could have been said, has already been said! Anything that could have been kept silent, has already been kept silent! Anything that could have been forgotten, is already gone! It’s time to remember what it is to be alive!
For some time now you have also been a model. Is this too a kind of an art for you?
Photography is a puzzle in art. I have always related fashion to aesthetics, style, class and beauty. I had never imagined I would ever do this too, but it turned out to be a good combination. I dоn’t think that one is getting in the way of the other. Ultimately, for a person it’s most important to develop their best qualities.
Would you share with us some news about your other current and future projects – what should we look forward to? Where can we see you in the near future?
A premiere directed by Marius Kurkinski lies ahead of me at “Zad Kanala” Theatre in October. And many film projects, which you’ll find out about when they happen!
Greetings, hugs and thanks for the readers’ attention =)
See you soon!
Thank you!
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