Photo: wanderingJew2 In 1851, Nayden Gerov is the first politician in the history of Bulgaria to celebrate the Day of the Saints Cyril and Methodius – the creators of the Cyrillic alphabet – in the diocesan school “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Sofia. In 1892 Stoyan Mihaylovski writes the 14 verses of the Hymn of […]
Tag "Multimedia box"
Multimedia Box: On the Day of Slavonic Alphabet, Bulgarian Enlightenment and Culture Public Republic Travels around the World
24 May, 2012 от · No comments
The Beat of Our Lives
19 October, 2011 от · No comments
The revolutionary wave of unprecedented opening-up of national borders all over the world reverberates with a strangely familiar rhythm – is the Beat back in the game or was it never quite out of it?
America in the early 50’s: Ronald J. Oakley calls it the “God’s Country” and at least on the face of it, it looks like he’s right – every family owns at least one car; items previously seen as luxuries – washing machines and air conditioning – have become the norm.
Multimedia Box: The mysterious death of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
22 July, 2011 от · No comments
Many people all over the world admire the great French writer Antoine de Saint Exupery but few of his keen readers know the truth about his death. The “father” of “the little prince” has been an aviator for a long time, going on mission trips in numerous countries, and his passion for piloting has influenced […]
Multimedia Box: The fascinating world of hand shadows
16 October, 2010 от · No comments
It tells a story. It has a life. It is breathing. It is spontaneous….It is the amazing art of hand shadows. The vivid pictures it draws could carry you away to the world of fairy-tales, in another dimension. And what hides behind its unique artistic nature is the ingenious simplicity involved in it. The light […]
Multimedia Box : Buildings in motion – the new era of Architecture
29 September, 2010 от · No comments
Aneliya Angelcheva David Fisher’s tower of motion, Dynamic Tower, draws a new picture of the future of architecture. It will open a door leading to a whole new age in building. The Dynamic Tower is designed to change its shape constantly so, in fact, it never repeats its previous position – not even once. This […]
Multimedia box: Acrobats
26 May, 2010 от · No comments
Extraordinary balance, agility and motor coordination – these are the primary skills of an acrobat. This ancient “profession” finds its origins in China, over 2500 years ago. At first it was only a part of the village festivals. As it developed, the royal audience was attracted to the beautiful and complicated movements. The acrobats were […]
Multimedia box: You are amazing! Smile!
14 May, 2010 от · 1 comment
One day the movie director Kurt Kuenne forgot to have his parking validated. Then a nice thought came to him out of the nowhere: “Wouldn`t it be great, if we actually received ‘real’ validations!” And the story was born. “Validation” was played at 34 film festivals and won 17 awards.
Multimedia Box: Coffee Latte Art
24 April, 2010 от · No comments
Beauty is in the small things. In your cup of coffee, for example. Have you ever looked at the strange shapes of soft white milk and thick black coffee? It doesn’t matter that your future is not written there. You might simply get a little “good-morning” mood. This is the only philosophy of the new […]
Multimedia Box: Kseniya – giving life to sand
12 April, 2010 от · No comments
Kseniya Simonova is one of the few “sand animators” in the world. The artform is spectacular and fascinating. Skilful fingers give life to a handful of sand to the accompaniment of dramatic music. On a lightboard (to increase visibility and for increase dramatic effect) they draw constantly changing lines and shapes, creating a series of scenes that tells a story.
In 2008, the 25-year-old Ukrainian artist had just lost her business due to the financial crisis.
Multimedia Box: Easter Island – the home of the stone giants
24 September, 2009 от · 1 comment
“The secret to success is to know something nobody else knows” – Aristotle Onassis On a small island, at a 2000-km distance from the nearest island, some amazing stone statues were hewn into the rocks of an extinct volcanic crater. When some Dutch sailors visited the island on Easter Sunday in 1722, they were stunned […]
Multimedia box: Burj al Arab – the height of luxury
21 August, 2009 от · No comments
Beauty is the meaning of the world. To enjoy beauty is to understand the world. – Otto Julius Bierbaum Built on an artificial island 280 m from the Persian Gulf, the seven star hotel Burj al Arab is “the pearl of architecture and luxury” and merits the title “symbol of Dubai”. With its 321 m, […]
Multimedia Box: The Kid
6 August, 2009 от · No comments
Charlie Chaplin was born in the UK in 1889 and became one of the most inspiring and influential personalities of the 20th century. His movies, which he directed and produced himself, are filled with emotion and show life in all its’ complexity. His work portrays the lives of the poor and the rich, the happy […]
Multimedia Box: The Thousand Hand Dance
30 July, 2009 от · No comments
This fascinating minishow “The 1000 Hands Show” is performed by Chinese dancers and made its debut at the Paralympic closing ceremonies in 2004. The incredibly sycronized performance features 21 deaf-mute dancers that are guided by a trainer in each of the four corners of the stage. The lead dancer is Tai Lihua, a 29 year-old […]
Multimedia Box – Dynamic of nature
23 July, 2009 от · No comments
Everything around us is changing … with every hour, every minute, and every second. Even we are not the same. Today I was watching the restless rain … – scattering its heavy water bars over the thirsty summer ground and every drop trickling down the window was bringing the fragrance of the perpetual dynamic.
Multimedia Box: Aurora Borealis
16 July, 2009 от · No comments
Nature’s fascinating artwork called Aurora Borealis or Australis (Northern or Southern Polar Lights), is created by solar activity. Charged particles (protons and electrons) get detached from Sun’s atmosphere and flow into space; that flow is called solar wind. Aurora is produced by the interaction of that wind with the magnetosphere (Earth’s magnetic field), which results […]
Multimedia Box: Lechuguilla Cave
8 July, 2009 от · No comments
“The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand.” – Frank Herbert At 230 km, Cave Lechuguilla is one of the five longest caves in the world. It is named after a plant (Agave lechuguilla) found in the immediate proximity of the entrance. Lechuguilla is located in Carlsbad Caverns National Park […]
Multimedia Box: Jean Michel Jarre and Lights In Egypt
30 June, 2009 от · 5 comments
Jean Michel Jarre is one of the most popular composers and performers of electronic music. His concerts are impressive productions of light. His album Oxygene is one of the most successful albums worldwide. This clip is part of his concert in Egypt on the eve of 2000, The Twelve Dreams of the Sun, which celebrated […]
Multimedia Box: Karunesh
19 June, 2009 от · 3 comments
Vanya Nikolaeva & Velina Vateva Karunesh was born in Cologne, Germany in 1956. He released his first album ‘Sounds of the Heart’ in 1984, which quickly became a classic in the New Age genre. More albums followed and Karunesh became established as one of the best known artists in that genre. He has lived in […]
Multimedia Box: Angel Falls
3 June, 2009 от · No comments
Salto Angel (Venezuela) is the highest waterfall in the world, falling from Tepuy Auyantepui (a mesa in the Guayana highlands), a hight of almost 1000 m. (over 3000 ft.). Strong winds often turn the falling water into mist before it reaches the ground. Angel was discovered at the beginning of the XX century by Venezuelan […]
Multimedia Box: The Louvre
28 May, 2009 от · No comments
The Louvre is one of the most popular world museums and is actually the one attracting the most visitors. Its building was originally erectd in the XII centiury as a fortress, transformed into a museum at the end of the XVII cetury, during the French Revolution. The Louvre holds over 35 000 artifacts, some dating […]